open 7 days
10-7 weekdays, 8-30-7 weekends

We use the Mindbody scheduling system, and you can use it too to find out when your favourite therapists are available, and make your booking directly on their schedule.

Your booking becomes final as soon as it's OK'd by our system - and you'll get a confirmation email immediately and a reminder a day before your appointment. You'll get also extra reward points for booking online, and will be able to check your point balance as well.

Follow this link to log in or register.

If you've been a client in the past and you have already registered, you'll use the left side of the login box (see picture), you'll find that your name or email are already there (unless we misspelled them)Imade of Mindbody login and you'll be asked a tricky question (such as "what are the last four digits of your mobile?") to confirm your identity.

If you haven't seen us before, you'll need to register by using the section on the right of the picture, the one circled in green. Fill it and click Next and you'll get another screen where you'll be able to record your email, mobile number and other details. Once you've registered, you'll be able to see our schedule and request specific bookings.

Needless to say we're still at the end of our usual telephone numbers, and we still read our emails, so, if you prefer to stick to the true and tested methods of booking your next appointment, you will still be able to do so.